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Zine: From reading your lyrics, I am led to think that you have been hurt brutally in the past and hold a lot of hostilities towards whoever harmed you. Is this so?

DANIE: Well, based upon the lyrics of CD1, the two predominating songs that really speak this theme are DECEIVER and SUFFER IN SILENCE. Those two songs are about betrayal and yes I was hurt very badly in the specific incidents surrounding those songs. I felt that these were two songs that many would relate to and have their own face to attach the hostility to. I've had several people tell me that that was what they were going through at the time they bought and listened to the CD and it made them "feel better" hearing their own personal experiences reflected in my songs. Kind of like finding a kindred spirit, someone to share the pain.

Do I hold a lot of hostilities towards whomever harmed me? Sure, some scars never heal. Some things you carry inside you and they follow you to the grave and maybe beyond.

Zine: I really think that the vocals are somewhat off-set from the music. I mean, the music is a kind of dirty metal sound and the vocals are sad but eerie....that is a strange combination. Was this sound intentional?

DANIE: I'm not a "calculating" musician. In that I mean that I don't sit down and say, "hmmm you know it would be kinda cool to do vocals like this and have the guitar do that." When I make music it's like my soul goes out to play. My music is a reflection of my soul. I think it's more real that way. Strange combo...hmm...well, I'm dual natured and a bit of a strange combo myself. Both the anguished cries and the berserker guitar are a big part of me. Musically what comes out of me again is just a reflection of my soul and inner being. I am eerie, sad and angry and that is reflected in all the creative ventures I do I suppose.

Zine: How long have you been together and are there only two members in the band?

DANIE: Steve Murray and I have been together about 7 years now. We are the core of it all yes. Between the two of us we do the work of about 6 or 7 sometimes 10 people depending on the project. I do the songwriting, sing and play guitar. I do the websites, we're both collaborating on the artwork for CD2. Steve is bassist, producer, sound god. We're partners. Between the two of us, whatever needs to be done to push this project that much further, we figure out and do it. We'd "welcome" a drummer that doesn't have his head up his ass, but that is becoming increasingly difficult to find. The ones we've had unfortunately do not understand the concept of "team" and "hard work." So until we can find that third person, yeah, it's me and Steve. Rick Kramer was the studio drummer on the CD and he did a great job.

Zine: When did the idea to start the band come around? Do you remember what started the plannings?

DANIE: I'd wanted to get a band together since I was like 5 years old.

Zine: From the questions you have posted on your web page for those who wish to win a CD of yours, you have a very good taste in music. Is King Diamond a music lord to you or something? Have you ever met him or any others?

DANIE: Thanks for the compliment.

Well, the King is definitely our all time fave, both Steve and myself. I don't know if I ever thought of him quite in those terms before. I admire his work immensely, but, yeah..I 'suppose you would say he is a bit of a music lord in our lives. He has spun many a fine tale for me and taken me away from everything. I admire artists like that. They pull you into their world. He's more like sublime-evil-metal-god we all know and love actually....

No, I've not met him, it would be an extreme pleasure. I'd jump at the chance to sing a song with him, I know that.

Zine: Are you having a hard time getting into the music scene the way you want to be in it?

DANIE:I think most struggling bands would say yes to this one, especially if you have any semblance of originality it's difficult.

Zine: What are you beliefs in terms or lyrics and such?

DANIE: Hmm...well as far as my "writing" lyrics I 'd have to say that I believe they should have something to say. They should bring forth some sort of strong emotional response from the listener. Within that same token, when you write it you should be speaking of some strong emotional experience. I want my music to touch you, deeply. I think strong lyrics are an essential part of that.

Zine: Is there anything you want to complain about now that you have the open chance to do so?

DANIE: Well, how much space do you have? No, I'm kiddin'...I guess the first thing that comes to mind is MTV's execs should be nailed to a cross, hung upside down and their blood should saturate the earth in a delicous shade of dark somber red, but aside from that...nothing off the top of my head...

Zine: Tell us a little about Powers Court. Bluntly describe your music and your thoughts about it.

DANIE: Bluntly describe my music....well...themes vary from occult to personal experiences. It's been described as, "medieval metal" which I thought was rather expressive.

I just want to touch like minded others and let them know that they are not alone. I also seek to provide an escape from harsh reality for people. There are bands who have been the soundtrack to my life basically, I'd be honored to be that for others.

Zine: Do you have plans on doing any underground work with others?

DANIE: Well our dear friend, Howard Kolb of SOCIAL DECAY was kicking around some ideas with us and some other undergound bands. I know his and my guitar playing would definitely compliment each other. We both have a strong Slayer influence and I think we could bring forth some brutal rhythms. That's still in the talk stages right now tho, we're tied up with this 2nd CD and Howard is equally busy with his project right now, but it's a a definite possiblity that I'm excited about.

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Band photos, music, lyrics, poetry, fiction and ALL graphics (unless indicated)
are copyright © 1996-1997 Danie Powers-POWERS COURT, All Rights Reserved.