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*some of the scores we've received:
METALLION - USA = 9.5/10

Powers Court - The Red Mist of Endenmore
Dragonheart Records

I had resigned myself to the fact that the days when an album could take over my life completely, play itself back in my head throughout every single minute of the day and compel me to listen to it during any spare moment were long gone. Not having experienced such an obsession for quite a while, I was rather shocked to find that I was suffering from the above - mentioned obsessive symptoms from the upcoming release of a Power Metal band by the name of 'Powers Court'.

The guilty album, entitled 'The Red Mist of Endenmore' is, in my very humble opinion, what one could call truly 'monumental'. Not since Fates Warning's 'Awaken the Guardian' have I heard a release which is as coherent, technically proficient and inspiringly 'magical' as said offering from this promising American band. Information on this collective is as difficult to find as are their previous two releases (the self-financed, self-titled 'Powers Court' and the 2001 Dragonheart release 'Nine Kinds of Hell', however, thanks to the Dragonheart insert to the promo, I know to thank Danie Powers for the album's haunting vocals and inspired guitar work, Steve Murray for a very proficient bass technique and Daniel Nydick for his excellent percussion. You will be hard-pressed to find much more information than this, other than that which is posted on the band's MySpace page, and certainly nothing much in the way of independent third party reviews.

'The Red Mist of Endenmore' is, according to the insert, a concept album, based on a story, written by Danie Powers. This fittingly epic tale boasts an oppressive landowner, a damsel-in-distress, black magic and sorcery (of course!) and murder. All excellent conceptual ingredients for a story that evokes powerful guitar riffs, extremely memorable melodies, a progressive vocal narration and a timeless feel to both the music and the tapestry of images it weaves. I had thought of narrowing the 'highlights' of the release down, but have found this a truly impossible task, so would recommend you appreciate the album in its entirety.

You may not be surprised to hear that among Dragonheart's releases one will find the re-issued 'Open the Gates' by the mighty Manilla Road and this is an indication of one of several influences that come through in Powers Court's music , apart from the said titans of American Power, one detects also Omen, Iced Earth and Fates Warning (John Arch era) - all respectable sources from which the band have chosen to hew their very own, special form of progressive aggressive and 'dark' power metal. To me, a band which pays homage to its roots but, at the same time, creates something original from these components is a truly original band.

I strongly urge you to seek out this release whichever way possible and to experience for yourself what this talented band has to offer!

Rating: ***** (5/5) Reviewed by: Emily Dgebuadze

The Red Mist Of Endenmore

Na zo'n zeven jaar afwezigheid dient het Amerikaanse trio Powers Court zich terug aan het metalfront aan. Inderdaad een hele tijd, maar als je weet door welke hel de band gegaan is, mogen we van een geluk spreken dat dit schijfje er daadwerkelijk is gekomen! "The red mist of Endenmore" is een concept cd en behandelt een fictief verhaal bedacht door zangeres/ gitariste Danie. Meer info over het verhaal kun je lezen op de band hun website. Als grote fan van hun voorgaand werk moest ik eerlijk gezegd best eventjes wennen aan deze nieuwe cd. Er komt namelijk nogal veel op je af! Maar enkele luisterbeurten later moest ik bekennen dat dit werkje best ingenieus in elkaar zit en per speelbeurt meer en meer openbloeit! Het verhaal bestaat uit 11 songs (de bonustrack niet meegerekend, maar later meer daarover) en de duistere en mysterieuze sfeer die het schijfje uitstraalt voedt het donkere conceptverhaal nog meer. Naast stevig haar mannetje te staan op gitaar, heeft Danie ook nog es een zeer originele stem (love it or hate it) die ze op verscheidene variërende manieren gebruikt en alleen maar een meerwaarde voor het verhaal zijn! Het mysterieuze en sfeervolle artwork is ook best passend en geeft nog iets extra's aan het verhaal. De oude Iced Earth fans komen hier aan hun trekken, vooral qua gitaarsound. Qua verhaal en sfeer kun je het dan een beetje richting King Diamond gaan zoeken, maar persoonlijk opteer ik toch meer voor het feit dat Powers Court behoorlijk koppig zijn eigen ding doet, waarvoor respect! Na het conceptverhaal is er nog een bonustrack in de vorm van het schitterende en behoorlijk meezingerige "Cold day in hell". Het refrein blijft gewoonweg dagenlang in je hoofd rondspoken. Zangeres Danie is momenteel ook nog bezig met een boek omtrent dit conceptverhaal, maar dan uiteraard gedetailleerder. Naar het schijnt behoorlijk Shakespeare meets Chaucer gericht boordevol actie en occulte magie. Geen hapklare brok deze "The red mist" maar geef het schijfje enkele rondjes tijd om te groeien en de openminded metalfan kan niet anders dan toegeven dat het metal wereldje weer een pareltje rijker is!

90/100 Nico

The Red Mist Of Endenmore

Afer an absence of seven years American trio 'Powers Court' returns to the metalfront! Indeed quite a while, but if you would know what kind of hell the band went through, we should be lucky this album arrived! "The Red Mist of Endenmore" is a fictional concept story created by singer and guitar player Danie Powers. More info concerning the story you can find on the bands website! As a big fan of their previous work, I had to adjust to this new CD! There's a lot coming at you! But after a few listens I must admit this is pure genius stuff and with each spin I give it, it opens and reveals more and more! The story consists of 11 songs (the bonus track not included) that breeds a dark and mysterious atmosphere, which only feed this dark concept story. Next to kicking ass on her guitar, female singer Danie has a pretty original voice (love it or hate it) which she uses in lots of different ways and which are an extra to the story! Old Iced Earth fans will love the guitar sound on this record! Story and atmosphere like King Diamond, but personally I would say Powers Court does their own thing in a stubborn kinda way, for which respect! After the concept story there is a bonus track in the form of the great and catchy "Cold Day in Hell". The refrain sticks in your head for days!! Singer Danie is currently working on a book concerning this concept story, but then off course more detailed! Apparently it's going to be Shakespeare meets Chaucer like filled with action and occult magick and witchery! No quick and easy listening here, for this record only gives it's secrets away after a few listens. The open minded metal fan can't do anything but admit that the metalworld is yet another pearl richer!

90/100 Nico


Une fois n'est pas coutume, je vais pondre ma chronique une semaine seulement après réception du promo quand habituellement je mets un mois à y parvenir. 4 semaines, car je les laisse murir, les reprends, les peaufine, ne voulant pas me laisser aller à l'enthousiasme ambiant de la découverte et de la nouveauté. Ne pas écrire à chaud en quelques sortes.

Exception sera donc faite pour ce 'The Red Mist Of Endenmore', 3èmè opus du trio d'East Alton dans l'Illinois. Formé en 1990, Powers Court est pour le moins que l'on puisse dire, peu prolifique: 1 démo 'Equinoxe' en 1993, l'album éponyme du combo en 1996, et 'Nine Kinds Of Hell' en 2001, ce dernier ne m'ayant laissé qu'un lointain souvenir de potentiel en friches.

7 ans après donc, Danie Powers-chant, guitares-, Steve Murray-basse, chœurs-et Daniel Nydick-batterie-nous reviennent avec un album conceptuel. Celui-ci est inspiré d'une histoire originale écrit par la blonde valkyrie dans laquelle un diable devient obsédé par la fille du chef d'un village païen. Il en résulte bien évidement des conflits, de la magie noire, de la sorcellerie, des tarots, des réunions clandestines, espionnages, meurtres et vengeances, et des regrets…La mysticité, la dramaturgie, oscillant entre Geoffrey Chancer et Shakespeare, fournissent un terreau fertile à ce monde ténébreux. La trame et le cheminement sont bien ficelés, bien narrés et intrigants à souhaits. Les lyrics, en ricain, sont nettement et clairement audibles, et l'on s'en imprègne aisément. La résultante étant une plongée inexorable dans cet univers fantastique d'Endenmore où l'intro 'Ab Initio' et ses tintements de cloches d'église vous invite.

Musicalement, puisque ce n'est pas une chronique littéraire (lol), et que vous aimez les références, Powers Court pratique un Heavy/Power/Prog mélodique très classique, lourd, puissant et énergique. Descendant du métal des années 80, les mélodies assez classiques sont ciselées par les effets guitaristiques. Cela tient un peu d'Abigail, mais plus encore d'Iced Earth pour la rythmique guitare et du gothic déluré de King Diamond pour le reste. Car notre blonde chanteuse guitariste est vraiment un phénomène ! Non seulement elle écrit très bien ; mais d'autre part elle gratte et chante encore mieux, même si les influences de Jon Schaffer, de Randy Rhoads ou même de Yngwie Malmsteen se ressentent ; sa virtuosité est colossale. De superbes descentes de manche ultra rapide et précises, des riffs ravageurs ; le panel est complet et valorise aussi bien les tempos speed, que les breaks ou transitions. L'incandescence des guitares de Danie n'a d'égal que sa voix unique, soprano, growls, émotions … ; ses vocalises sont à l'instar des Dickinson, Dio ou Halford, du grand art. Clair, guttural, fluide, harmonique … son timbre se calque ainsi à merveille sur l'atmosphère ou l'ambiance de chaque titre pour en tirer la quintessence émotionnelle.

En parallèle à ce surf vocal dans les octaves, le drummer assure un tantinet, c'est le moins que l'on puisse dire. Doubles et blast beasts sont à l'honneur actuellement ; mais Daniel Nydick, qui doit être dopé aux stéroïdes, martyrise lui, les toms et la caisse claire par son jeu speed efficace et original ; et donc foncièrement appréciable.

Que d'éloges jusqu'à présent, devez vous penser. Et bien en fait, oui, j'avoue le coup de cœur pour cet Endenmore est ses ambiances variées, ciselées, ses accélérations énergiques ravageuses et cette voix sublime.

Les deux seuls petits reproches concerneraient d'une part, les lignes de basse de Steve Murray qui auraient pu être plus aventureuses, moins classiques. Le fond sonore est conséquent, sans conteste ; mais la 4 cordes fait un peu figure de parent pauvre. Et d'autre part, la prod qui, correcte, aurait pu mettre encore plus en avant la voix de l'égérie sur certains passages.

Ce 'Powers Court' n'en restera pas moins une des meilleures parutions, et La découverte de ce premier trimestre 2008. A ce titre, je lui réserve d'ores et déjà une place de choix dans ma ' sélection de la rédaction' . A découvrir absolument !!!

[09/10] Metalpsychokiller

BAND: Powers Court
TITOLO: The Red Mist Of Endenmore
ETICHETTA: Dragonheart Records
ANNO: 2008
GENERE: epic /heavy metal
DURATA: 43 minuti


Tanti, troppi anni sono passati tra "Nine Kinds Of Hell" (2001) e il nuovo "The Red Mist Of Endenmore", ma c'è una ragione; la leader della band, Danie Powers, ha vissuto infiniti travagli personali, tanto da pensare che la fortuna - semmai esista - si sia davvero accanita contro di lei ed i suoi cari. Dopo diversi lutti, malattie inabilitanti ed incidenti succedutisi nell'arco di pochi anni, Danie ha avuto la forza e la tenacia di non perdersi d'animo e regalare al proprio pubblico un nuovo album dei Powers Court. Ad eccezione del batterista Mike Evans (sostituito da Daniel Nydick) la formazione rimane la stessa di 7 anni fa; l'epic dark sound che ha reso "N.K.O.H." un piccolo capolavoro non si smentisce, mentre invece la produzione si è fatta più aggressiva, sporca e thrashy. "Red Mist..." è un concept album basato su di un amore ossessivo e violento di un potente "Don Rodrigo" per la figlia di un capo villaggio; rabbia, sangue e magia nera costituiscono la cornice ideale affinché il metallo oscuro di Danie Powers possa mietere migliaia di vittime inermi. Dopo una breve intro ("Ab Initio") si parte con "The Prophecy", una traccia nella quale la sezione ritmica è un martello imbrigliato da colla viscosissima e la chitarra di Danie sorregge linee vocali che sembrano provenire dalle tenebre infernali. Che inizio, scaraventati ai confini del thrash metal! "Power Tapestry" è battezzata da sinistri arpeggi, infuocati dal sopraggiungere di un mid-tempo pesantemente guitar-oriented. Danie marcia salda e sicura sulle carcasse nemiche forte di un carisma d'acciao; le gemoterie del pezzo presto si dilatano e si moltiplicano, demolendo i riferimenti dell'ascoltatore secondo le più tipiche aritmìe a cui i Powers Court ci hanno abituato. Cari fans dei Manilla Road iniziate a drizzare le antenne! Ed eccoci giunti a "A Somber Day", uno dei momenti migliori del platter, song potentissima, priva di un baricentro al quale appigliarsi, e per questo magnifica e vorticosa. Il riffing di Danie è esaltante, questa donna meriterrebbe un posto tra i benefattori dell'umanità per le endorfine che è in grado di scatenare al suo passaggio sulle corde elettrificate. "Darkness Calls" macina ferro chiodi e metallo, di certo Unabomber studiava sui dischi dei Powers Court. "The Tarot Reader" ha un chorus funereo che qualsiasi doom band strapperebbe volentieri dai solchi di questo album. La title-track è di una bellezza stratosferica, puro Powers Court sound. "There Once Was A Time" è una cavalcata epica attraverso gli orizzonti del tempo. Ottima anche la bonus track "Cold Day In Hell", tipica metal song impreziosita dai fraseggi sempre vincenti di Danie. In questo disco come in pochi altri è possibile davvero avvertire la lezione di Mark Shelton metabolizzata a dovere. Mercyful Fate e Manilla Road rimangono i capisaldi del metal dei Powers Court. Un grandissimo ritorno!

VOTO: 8.5/10 (Psychotron)

Many, too many years have passed between "Nine Kinds Of Hell" (2001) and the new "The Red Mist Of Endenmore", but there is a reason: The leader of the band, Danie Powers, has lived endless personal suffering. If Lady Luck does really exist you should think that she has been really fierce against Danie and her loved ones. After several deaths, illnesses and incapacitating accidents within a few years, Danie had the strength and tenacity not to lose heart and give her audience a new album of Powers Court. With the exception of drummer Mike Evans (replaced by Daniel Nydick) the line-up remains the same as 7 years ago, the epic dark sound that made "N.K.O.H." a small masterpiece has not been denied, and the production has become more aggressive, dirty and thrashy.

"Red Mist ..." is a concept album based on and original tale written by Danie about a violent and obsessive love of a powerful landowner for the daughter of a village Chief. Anger, blood and black magic are the ideal frame so that the dark metal of Powers Court can reap thousands of defenceless victims. After a brief intro ("Ab Initio"), you start with "The Prophecy", a track where the rhythm section is a sticky hammer entangled in the glue, and the guitar sustains Danie's vocal lines that come from the very darkness of hell. Oh what a start! You are dashed right beyond thrash metal borders! "Power Tapestry" is christened by claims arpeggios, the fiery occurrence of a mid-tempo heavily guitar-oriented. Danie marches firm and secure on the carcasses of her enemies, her charisma is made of steel. Geometries soon expand and multiply, demolishing the listener's references according to the most typical arrhythmies to which Powers Court are used. Dear fans of Manilla Road, do pay the right attention here! And here we come to "A Somber Day," one of the best moments of the platter, a powerful song devoid of a centre of gravity, and for this reason it is a magnificent and whirling track. The riffing of Danie is exciting, this woman deserves a place among the benefactors of mankind for all the endorphins which she is able to unleash when she touches the electric cords. "Darkness Calls" grins iron, nails and metal. "The Tarot Reader" has a chorus that any doom band would love to steal. The title-track is a stratospheric beauty, pure Powers Court's sound at its best. "Once There Was A Time" is an epic ride through the horizons of time. Excellent also the bonus track "Cold Day in Hell", a typical metal song enriched by the always winning phrasing by Danie. In this disc as in few others you can really feel the lesson of Mark Shelton properly metabolized. Mercyful Fate and Manilla Road remain the cornerstones of the Powers Court heavy metal. A great return!

VOTO: 8.5/10 (Psychotron)

REVIEW: Powers Court - The Red Mist Of Endenmore
Dragonheart Records, 2008...8.5/10

Nowadays I think it's more and more difficult to find some fresh and original bands in the field of extreme metal or even heavy metal in general. Maybe you've already noticed this... But on the other hand it's something I can understand since the old big dawgs already built the whole basis of everything and it's kind of tricky to get away from these foundations a little bit, and try to forget these references for a while to create something new. What we get with the third release of Powers Court is really interesting since it's very hard to quote one clear influence out from their music. After having plaid The Red Mist of Endenmore for several weeks now, I think I can say this album lies basically at the border of three styles: heavy metal, extreme metal and atmospheric metal. The first one because of the epic dimension of The Red Mist of Endenmore. This is indeed a concept album based upon a story by Danie Powers, vocalist, guitarist and apparently leader of Powers Court. The whole story is basically about black magic, sorcery and slaughters involving a female character. This is not the most important point here but still Danie put apparently a real effort on the writing of the lyrics. The vocals from times to times remind us that there's a heavy metal touch in Powers Court music (Cold Day in Hell has some strong Iron Maiden accents) but after all, we get nothing more from this style. The extreme metal part is not easy to notice at the beginning. But when you keep on listening to the CD, it becomes more and more obvious. First the production is for me old school death metal relevant. The guitar riffs remind me also the old Death masterpieces like Symbolic or Human. It's really fast and brash along with some few slower parts: saturated arpeggios, palm muted heavy riffs including powerful artificial harmonics for instance. I especially like Power Tapestry: you get a huge amount of Schuldiner like riffs full of harmonics there. But The Tarot Reader with its wild start and the very efficient Outrage must be my two favourite tracks from The Red Mist of Endenmore.

The bass guitar playing by Steve Murray is also very accurate and I dare to make a comparaison with Steve Digiorgio. I also like very much the appropriate drumming by Daniel Nydick even though that sounds slightly too electronic and unhuman in a way: if it had been programmed, I wouldn't have noticed any difference actually. So yes, it's lacking some emotions and maybe a little bit of groove according to me. Nevertheless it's really pure and very well done technically speaking. Eventually, on a few parts (Vain Regrets), clean guitar parts supporting deep vocals arranged with reverberation can recall atmospheric bands like Tristania.

But there's all the time something very personal with Powers Court music. There may also be different ways to see things. Several interpretations of Powers Court art are possible I guess. This is an evidence that Powers Court music is rich and original but at the same time strongly consistent.

Written by: Hubert Chapuis
Score = 8.5/10

The Red Mist Of Endenmore

It's so good to have this band back again with their new album 'The Red Mist Of Endenmore'. Frontlady Danie Powers (vocals, guitar, mandolin) sounds stronger than ever. Her band consists of Steve Murray on bass and backing vocals with Daniel Nydick on drums. The new album contains twelve songs and has a running time of about forty-five minutes. After a short instrumental intro ('Ab Initio'), we enter 'The Prophecy', which is a good reflection of what POWERS COURT is all about. Dark power metal and vocals ranging from high and pinching to low and growling. Their sound will certainly remind you of MANILLA ROAD. A comparison which I already made in '96 when the band released their self-titled debut album. In 'Power Tapestry', Danie's voice sounds much higher than in 'The Prophecy'. The dark powerful instrumentation remains the same. Fast, killer riffs embrace 'A Somber Day', ending in a great guitar solo of Danie at the end of the song. This is top notch material by a band that knows what true metal should sound like. With 'Kingdom Falls', the band gains even more speed. The choir like vocals reminded me of KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FATE. 'Darkness Calls' sounds less dark at first, but later on the first progressive parts are finding its shape and turn this song into something special. What strikes me the most is that all the songs are quite short, but there is still a lot going on in these three to four minute stories. Title track, 'The Red Mist Of Endenmore', contains some thrashy SLAYER-like riffs. It's a killer song, galloping along at high speed. One of the highlights on this album for me is a song called, 'There Once Was A Time'. A great epic metal tune with a wonderful guitar solo which is captured again in a bit over three minutes. While 'Vain Regrets' on the contrary sounds very modest indeed. Before we know it, we have arrived at the last song already. The bonus track of the album is called, 'Cold Day in Hell'. It's another true highlight; the massive speed, the aggressive vocals, the haunting riffs. What a great way to disappear into The Red Mist of Endenmore, unless you push the 'repeat' button on your player, which I did right away to have another good listen to this great, dark power metal album. I raise my sword to Danie and POWERS COURT and put both thumbs up. This album contains heavy metal for the believers in the true metal spirit!

Writer: Toine van Poorten
Rating: 9/10

April Issue:
*Formerly Heavy Oder Was!
Review 9/12
The Red Mist Of Endenmore

Ja, es gibt sie noch, die US-Metal-Acts, die sich im Verlaufe ihrer steinigen Karriere das Prädikat „obskur" redlich verdient haben. In der Tradition von musikalischen Sturköpfen wie SACRED BLADE und BROCAS HELM erfinden sich auch POWERS COURT ein ums andere Mal aufs Neue. 'The Red Mist Of Endenmore' schimpft sich ihr aktuelles Album, und es strotzt wieder einmal vor Ignoranz (im positiven Sinne) und radikaler Engstirnigkeit (was den kommerziellen Aspekt angeht). Hier meuchelt eine Band, die sich musikalischen Trends verschließt und folglich ihren eigenen Weg - auch wenn dieser steiniger als jeder andere ist - zu gehen gedenkt. Respekt hierfür. POWER COURTs archaischer Sound weckt bei mir Erinnerungen, die viel mit der metallenen Aufbruchstimmung der achtziger Jahre zu tun haben. Das permanente Streben nach Originalität katapultiert POWERS COURT auf die vorderen Ränge der Objektivitätsskala. Selbst Uns-Pfiste, der - so habe ich ihn zumindest kennen- und liebengelernt - mit dem Gesamtsound des US-Trios seine Probleme haben dürfte, wird wohl zähneknirschend zugeben müssen, daß hier Musiker am Werke waren, die nicht den Weg des geringsten Widerstandes gehen, sondern ihrer Musik wegen auf rkaufszahlen und andere (relevante?) Dinge scheißen. Wichtig ist der metallene Ehrenkodex, selbst wenn dies den kommerziellen Selbstmord darstellen sollte. Gut so! Freigeister und Querdenker, die mit MANILLA ROAD, EXXPLORER und SACRED OATH aufwuchsen, sollten unbedingt ein Ohr riskieren. Anspieltips: 'The Prophecy' 'There Once Was A Time' und 'Kingdom Falls'.

Peter Fischer (9 Punkte)

ANNO: 2008
RECENSORE: Fimbulvetr
WEB: http://www.powers-court.com/

I Powers Court sono un gruppo americano e si formano nel 1990 per volontà di Danie Powers e Steve Murray, ai quali si unisce Rick Kramer alla batteria, sostituito nell'ordine da Mike Evans e Daniel Nydick nel corso degli anni.

Questo "The Red Mist of Endenmore" è il loro terzo lavoro, se si esclude il demo uscito nel 1993 con il moniker Equinox, ed esce dopo ben sette anni dal precedente "Nine Kinds of Hell" del 2001, sempre sotto etichetta Dragonheart.

Caratteristica del gruppo è quella di comporre brani atti a sfruttare l'estensione vocale di Danie, 4 ottave e mezzo, e si incentrano su testi dediti all'occultismo e su territori power metal con qualche digressione progressive.

Molto particolare la voce di Danie, assolutamente unica, un misto tra King Diamond, Jon Oliva e Lorena McKennit. Grazie alla sua dote naturale riesce ad ergersi sopra gli altri strumenti senza il minimo sforzo e con una naturalezza incredibile.

Il genere, come già detto, si alterna tra un power metal molto energico, con forti riferimenti ad un metal anni ottanta, non disdegnando passaggi progressive, se proprio vogliamo trovare dei paragoni, possiamo avvicinare il sound dei Powers Court a quello degli Omen e Manilla Road con un pizzico di Fates Warning.

Undici brani più una bonus track, tutti veramente su ottimi livelli, con una possente e precisa sezione ritmica, Nydick tira su un vero e proprio muro sonoro con le sue rullate, grande prova di Danie anche alla chitarra con riff precisi e originali. Originalità che si riscontra anche nelle composizioni.

Devo dire che all'inizio la voce di Danie Powers spiazza un pochino, ma con il trascorrere del tempo e il passare dei brani ci si abitua facilmente alle sue vocalizzazioni.

Come detto, brani tutti ottimi, non saprei quale consigliarvi, ma ci provo ugualmente, "Power Tapestry", "Kingdom Falls", "Outrage", la stupenda title track "The Red Mist of Endenmore" e la classica semi ballad "Vain Regrets" con una grande prova vocale di Danie.

Discorso a parte per la bonus track, il brano più power dell'intero lavoro, una veloce cavalcata in territori heavy, molto vicino a qualche produzione targata Iron Maiden/Judas Priest.

Consigliato, da avere nella propria discografia.

85/100 Gianfranco Belisario

Powers Court are an American group formed in 1990 by the will of Danie Powers and Steve Murray, joined by Rick Kramer on drums, replaced by Mike Evans and Daniel Nydick over the years.

This "The Red Mist of Endenmore" is their third work, if you exclude the demo released in 1993 under the moniker Equinox, and preceded by "Nine Dinds of Hell" of 2001, again under label Dragonheart.

Characteristic of the group is to compose songs that use the full vocal extension of Danie, 4 and a half octave, and focuses on lyrics devoted to occult territories and power metal with some progressive digression.

Very particular item Danie absolutely unique, a mixture between King Diamond, Jon Oliva and Lorrena McKennitt. Thanks to its natural dowry able to jet above the other instruments without the slightest effort and with a naturalness incredible.

The music, as I said, alternates between a power metal very energetic, with strong references to a metal eighties, not disdaining progressive steps, if you really want to find comparisons, we can bring the sound of Powers Court to that of Omen and Manilla Road with a pinch of Fates Warning.

Eleven songs plus a bonus track, all over really good levels, with a powerful and precise rhythm section. Nydick pulls on a real sound wall with its Rolled, big points also to Danie on guitar riffs that are accurate and original. Originality is found that even in the compositions.

I must say that the early entry Danie Powers displaces a bit, but with the passage of time and the passing of the songs we got used to its "vocals" easily.

As I said, all good songs. I would not know what advise, but we try anyway, "Power Tapestry", "Kingdom Falls", "Outrage", the wonderful title track "TheRed Mist of Endenmore" and the classic semi-ballad "Vain Regrets "with a great test voice Danie.

Speech separately for the bonus track, the song most power of the entire work, a quick ride in heavy territories, some very close to production marked Iron Maiden / Judas Priest.

Recommended to have in your discography.

85/100 Gianfranco Belisario

April Issue:
The Red Mist Of Endenmore
Dragonheart/SPV (12 Songs / 43:23 Min.)
VÖ: 28.3.

Puh, ein harter Brocken, den uns die US-Metaller von Powers Court da vorsetzten. Und das liegt nicht daran, dass die dritte Scheibe des Trios ein Konzeptalbum ist – diese Tatsache wirkt sich musikalisch überhaupt nicht aus: Von ausufernden Intros und Überleitungen keine Spur, die meisten Nummern sind nach etwas mehr als drei Minuten auch schon wieder Geschichte. Vielmehr ist es Sänger Danie Powers, der die Nerven des Hörers ein ums andere Mal auf die Probe stellt: Sein hohes, dünnes und irgendwie fast schüchtern klingendes Stimmchen steht im krassen Gegensatz zu den hektischen Riffs, die er sich selbst auf der Gitarre vorgibt. Zudem lässt der Sound in Sachen Druck ebenfalls zu wünschen übrig. Aber nach einigen Durchläufen – die unbedingt nötig sind – zündet THE RED MIST OF ENDENMORE plötzlich, und Nummern wie 'The Prophecy', 'A Somber Day' oder 'Vain Regrets' entfalten ihren ganz eigenen Charme. Für das Gros der Metal-Fans dürfte das Album nicht zu empfehlen sein, wer sein Herz allerdings an Kauz-Bands der Marke Manilla Road, Brocas Helm oder Slough Feg verloren hat, sollte hier unbedingt mal reinhören.

Marc Halupczok Review 5/7



POWERS COURT - The Red Mist of Endenmore

You know how we're always talking 'cult this' and 'cult that' with regard to black metal? Well heck if your black metal band *isn't* considered cult you may as well hang it up. But in other genres the term can still have some actual meaning, power metal for instance. Lots of not-cult bands of that ilk are crowding the scene and then the occasional one that truly is 'cult, has a cult, or deserves a cult (following)... we'll leave it to black metal bands to potentially BE cults in the religious sense.

In any event all of this is preliminarily in aid of saying, bow down, a new Powers Court album has finally materialized on our shared plane of existence!! We've reviewed and raved about their other releases, longtime AQ customers may remember.

Basic info: Powers Court is a power metal trio from Illinois (yep, American metal!) whose cult quality is pretty much owed to the persona of the talented Danie Powers, guitarist/vocalist. Females are rare enough in metal bands especially as leaders, making Ms. Powers immediately notable. She's notable too for her amazing nearly 5-octave range. She'd be a unique and formidable vocalist alone, but she's also the main songwriter, shredder and riffmaster (mistress?) of the band. Go girl!

While it's been quite a few years since the last Powers Court album back in 2001, Danie & Co. seem to have put that time to good use crafting a meticulous and magnificent display of 21st century true metal mastery. We'll recommend this immediately to HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE fans for a couple reasons; first you probably like operatic female metal vocals and secondly, this is a concept album. A narrative based on some dark original tale penned by Danie about doomed lovers and occult happenings. This sinister story is set against a relentless, surging backdrop of proggy pyrotechnic power metal. And we do mean power! Full of explosive, galloping double bass drumming, chunky buzzsaw guitar riffage, harmonic squeals, herky-jerk rhythmic complexities, and soaring melodically o'er it all that haunting, weird voice. Theatrical and commanding, sorta like a power metal version of Grace Slick and also comparable to Kind Diamond. She sings like a woman possessed. Sometimes a crystal clear delicate songbird (as on the finale 'Vain Regrets') in the upper range, sometimes descending to a much throatier, lower register that's definitely medievally monkish or even akin to a black metal rasp that is often doubled or multitracked for extra eerie effect. Powers warbles and holds notes in weird ways, her phrasing always adding as much preternatural personality to the proceedings as does her wide range.

Recommended! Definitely recommended for HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE fans. Also for anyone into the dark, thrashy eccentricity of another American metal cult band, MANILLA ROAD.


Metallion USA

I was recently given the opportunity to meet Danie Powers and Steve Murray of Powers Court and get a listening preview of their upcoming CD 'The Red Mist of Endenmore'. I had to drive several hours to hear it because the band didn't want to risk the CD being leaked before it's official release and since I completely understood all of that plus the normal label restrictions and legalities, the quest was on.

I must say they treated me warmly when I arrived and I was very impressed with them and their incredible living room which is like a travel back in time to the early 1900s with all the sepiatone photos of actual ancestors in period frames, the dark leather couches, antiques and just in general 'Interview With The Vampire' vibe. Very atmospheric and relaxing, it only added to my listening enjoyment.

So okay, on with the review...

This album is based on an original story written by Danie Powers about an evil, twisted land owner who becomes obsessed with the Pagan Village Chieftain's daughter (this full length story itself should be available from the band's myspace and website hopefully around the same time the CD comes out) and it involves black magick, sorcery, a tarot reader, clandestine meetings, murderous plots, espionage, revenge, regret...it's William Shakespeare meets Geoffery Chaucer and has tea with KING DIAMOND! The lyrics are astoundingly well written, again it reminds me of Chaucer's 'The Canterbury Tales' with the incredible grasp Danie seems to have of Middle English and her poetic delivery, but yet it's still very modern and easy to follow. I was enormously impressed to say the least.

The story itself is very solid and interesting (I cannot wait to get my hands on this actual book, I had the privelege of reading the first chapter while there, very intriguing), the musicianship is amazing. This is easily bound to be one of the best metal releases of 2008, it's well written, it's superbly performed and has very good production and artwork. This is truly inspired, well crafted heavy metal and I venture to say it will stand up alongside classics like KING DIAMOND'S, ABIGAIL and THEM, ICED EARTH's, NIGHT OF THE STORMRIDER and NEVERMORE'S DREAMING NEON BLACK with ease and will have that same staying power. This is a classic there's no doubt in my mind.

The music is much more aggressive, energetic and upbeat this time around. Lots of incredible speed and amazing guitar work that is somewhat reminiscent of early Jon Schaffer of ICED EARTH fame, only it's arguably much more precise and sophisticated strumming, yeah you heard me right. I watched this woman play part of a song I had a question about and I'm sorry, I've seen Schaffer live 4-5 times and he's never jammed that many chords that quickly and that precisely in one tight sequence, trust me.

Steve Murray is no slouch on bass either, he was using some advanced, percussive finger techniques that I've never seen or heard before. These people are just amazing musicians and yet so down to earth.

The songs are filled with passion and anger as the story dictates. Songs involving the clandestined lovers are filled with incredible, unfulfillable longing and earnestness. The vocal deliveries are so intense, this smacks of traditional opera in some regards with it's dramatic and passionate delivery, the vocals are just outstanding and the highlight in my opinion. They've managed to create this incredible Medieval vibe on this CD to the point that you feel as if you're there, but it is definitely true neck snapping metal in every regard.

The album concept is more cohesive and traditional than their last effort, 'NINE KINDS OF HELL' which was in all fairness about nine different kinds of hell, therefore there were nine different kinds of songs with varying moods. I think that went over the heads of a few of of my colleagues.

Enough odd time signatures to keep the progheads happy, speed and energy to please the thrashers, lyrical themes to delight the power metalers and angst ridden goths and that strong 4.5 octave voice I've come to admire and love with the same reverence as DICKINSON, DIO, HALFORD and KING DIAMOND with a splash of TARJA of NIGHTWISH (only delivered with far more power, grace and passion in my opinion). Danie's vocal acrobatics can reach cathedral spires with her lilting soprano then the next minute, kick you in the balls with her powerful midrange which is much like a male tenor ala MARK SHELTON of MANILLA ROAD, then she occasionally peppers it with gutteral growls nicely mixed in to give it all some wicked spice and texture. On top of all of that her voice is utterly original and instantly recognizable. This isn't the typical cookie cutter power metal singer by any stretch. Very unique just like the music itself.

From the opening strains of 'AB INITIO' with it's eerie keyboards and haunting church bells in the background, you're immediately spellbound and transported to this land of ENDENMORE that Powers has created so vividly. The next song, 'THE PROPHECY' jerks you out of your seat and slaps you upside the head just to get your attention. The next song, 'POWER TAPESTRY' starts out with a beautifully arranged Madrigal style chorus accompanied by acoustic guitar, then this hammering guitar takes over. This is where I can hear some RANDY RHOADS influence that's just brilliant. The lead guitar work throughout this release is outstanding. Powers makes the guitar sing like an actual voice and the phrasing and originality of it is quite marvelous, like her voice, it's very original and instantly recognizable which is so refreshing in this time of GIT junkies and the bands that have nixed leads altogether. Rapid fire, articulate, tasty lead notes that aren't borish or overdone.

The rhythm section sounds brutal, thunderous and precise. Steve Murray is quite possibly the best kept bass secret in heavy metal. The power of STEVE HARRIS, the expertise of JOHN ALDERETE of RACER X, GEDDY LEE and innovation like BILLY SHEEHAN. The warm powerful bass nicely compliments Powers' rad guitar work. You can hear literally every note this guy plays which is unusual in metal, no mud at all, nice and clean and frighteningly ominous. The drums are aggressive, fast, progressive and very interesting with the hairpin turns and time changes and all three work together like a hell bent steam engine.

The closing song is a well placed, nicely orchestrated somber ballad, but it has this energetic acoustic guitar work with some very different leads and accents ala TONY IOMMI of BLACK SABBATH. Listen carefully to the guitar leads, I wasn't even sure this was a guitar at first. Again it's as if the guitar is a voice and it's charged with raw emotion. The song has a very celtic folk element to it with an incredibly driving rhythm guitar, beautiful vocals filled with remorse that have a bit of a LOREENA MCKENNITT vibe. It also has that immense sadness that normally only WARREL DANE of NEVERMORE can convey.

The bonus track, 'COLD DAY IN HELL' is going to be an instant hit for fans of IRON MAIDEN and traditional power metal with it's galloping rhythm and soaring warrior like vocals.

Smooth transitions, great lead breaks, outstanding vocals, brilliant bass work and drumming, exquisite songwriting, nice production, wonderful eye catching artwork that only adds to the ambiance, just simply amazing.

A very outstanding release from start to finish, there are no clunkers on this CD and each song transistions smoothly to the next. I just can't find the right words to get across how brilliant this album is; so just buy it, dim the lights and listen for yourself. You will be immediately transported to a different time and place and you won't want to return anytime soon.

Powers Court has outdone themselves with this album. My only hope is that they will finally get the recognition they so richly deserve for this outstanding effort. It's still early in 2008, but this one is definitely in the running for metal release of the year in my book.

[9.5/10] Dave Winslow


Band photos, music, lyrics, poetry, fiction and all graphics unless indicated,
are copyright © 1996-2008 POWERS COURT, All Rights Reserved.